Family Day: A Space Base for Instance

Serpentine South Gallery 23 Aug 2015 Free

Artist Julia Tcharfas invited children and families to leave Earth and re-imagine their collective future.

Participants worked with Tcharfas and the team to design a space settlement in an alien landscape. They put on spacesuits and transformed themselves into artists, scientists, architects or dreamers, creating a visual map and recording their ideas for the future.

Together, we asked: What will make the emptiness of space habitable? What are your thoughts about how to organise a space settlement? What kind of nature, architecture, weather, schools, work, politics or culture would it have? How would you construct your world if you had the opportunity to start from scratch?

With the imagination of some of our youngest Earthlings, we created a description of how to move forward into the future using the psychedelic architecture of selgascano’s Serpentine Pavilion as a space settlement – a new artificial reality.

This Family Day was a free drop-in event and was open to people of all ages.

The Serpentine Galleries have signed up to the Family Arts Standards. We welcome families and to help you enjoy your experience we are committed to ensuring we meet these Standards. More information for visiting the Serpentine Galleries with your Family.


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