Adrian Berg: Paintings 1977-86

Serpentine South Gallery 21 Jun — 20 Jul 1986 Free

Kew Gardens, Windsor Great Park, and, most especially, Regent’s Park featured in this exhibition of Adrian Berg’s paintings.

The paintings of Berg (1929-2011) were most commonly associated with Regent’s Park, specifically the view of it from Gloucester Gate, where he had his studio from 1961 to 1985.

The paintings in this show all dated from the previous 10 years and ranged in character from the almost naturalistic to the quasi-visionary; in many instances, different view points and different series were serialised and compounded within a single image. Every picture revealed an inventive sense of composition and an unusually rich use of colour.

The landscapes that attracted Berg’s attention were those which were most manifestly man-made and cultivated – and although Regent’s Park was the subject of more than half the works in this exhibition, a variety of other parks and gardens also appeared. The most recently completed painting was a nine-foot-square depiction of the lakes at Sheffield Park.


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