Landscape, Memory and Desire

Serpentine South Gallery 8 December 1984 — 20 January 1985 Free

This exhibition presented six painters of very diverse approaches but who shared a belief in the ability of painting to transform and transport.

This exhibition presented six painters of very diverse approaches but who shared a belief in the ability of painting to transform and transport. Another thing in common between the painters was an interest in landscape in various forms.

Co-curator (with Robert Ayers) of the exhibition, Tony Godfrey, wrote: “I would argue the paintings in this exhibition can be seen as dealing with a poetry of desire, seeking for goals in the prospects of the world and the illusory depths of pictures.”

The works in the exhibition were recent and included an untitled triptych by Andrew Mansfield, Peter Lewis’ Arcadia, and Adrian Searle’s Hubris.


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