Serpentine South Gallery 5 Oct — 17 Nov 1985 Free

This collaboration between the sculptor Richard Deacon and architect Richard Rogers took the form of an installation constructed in the Serpentine Gallery’s east gallery and lawn.

The idea for this project grew out of a collaboration between Deacon and Rogers for John Tchalenko’s 1986 film Wall of Light.

The film examines La Maison de Verre (The Glass House), an unusual house built in Paris around 1930 for Dr. Jean Dalsace, a prominent gynaecologist and supporter of the avant-garde and anti-fascist intelligentsia. The house influenced Rogers’ design of the Lloyds building in London.

In consultation with Rogers, the resulting installation at the Serpentine Gallery was one of Deacon’s most ambitious ventures to date. Entitled Blind, Deaf and Dumb, the installation linked disparate sculptural parts through a wall of glass.


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