Serpentine South Gallery 24 Mar — 30 Apr 1995 Free

Visitors to this exhibition had a rare opportunity to touch, use, test, buy or take away the objects in the show.

Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, the exhibition brought together artists from Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria and America, with an extraordinary selection of works that functioned on two levels – as utilitarian objects and as works of art.

Works in the exhibition included Jef Geys’ display of multi-coloured ‘fruit’ sculpture, combined with the sale of real fruit, and Christine Hill’s vending machine, which dispensed objects of daily necessity.

The visitor to this exhibition did not merely look, but had access to the artworks and played a part in their dispersal. The notion of dispersal was further enhanced by other creative initiatives, including Absolut Access, an internet installation in the gallery that enabled the public to interact with the exhibition on the web. Visitors, and up to 40 million people globally, could access the exhibition as well as ‘visiting’ other galleries throughout the world.


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