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A photograph of a woman wearing a colourful sixties suit and holding a red umbrella, posing in a children's playpark

Photo Poetry: Three Responses to James Barnor's Archive

Samatar Elmi, Louisa Adjoa Parker and Amina Jama write poetry in response to the vivid photographs of British-Ghanaian photographer, James Barnor.

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Home Video: A Conversation on the Role of Video in Current Housing Struggles

Home Video: A Conversation on the Role of Video in Current Housing Struggles

In the context of the UK's housing crisis, Ed Webb-Ingall speaks to three activists about how video-making is used in struggles for safe and affordable homes.

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a collage of book covers from books in the article list dropped on a green background

Reading List: Helen Cammock for Radio Ballads

How can we speak, write and think of care? This reading list gathers titles that can help us reconsider how we relate to one another and take caring action.

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macro taraxos right to left

Invitation to Listen: Sophia Al-Maria and Melissa Blanchflower with Nick Hackworth

Sophia Al-Maria discusses her commission, taraxos, with Serpentine's Melissa Blanchflower and Nick Hackworth, Director of Modern Forms.

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Interspecies Communication Research Initiative (ISCRI): A Cephalopod ↔ Machine Encounter

Interspecies Communication Research Initiative (ISCRI): A Cephalopod ↔ Machine Encounter

Alasdair Milne, a researcher with Serpentine’s Creative AI Lab, dives into possibilities for creative collaboration between artists, AI and octopi. 

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View onto an urban sidewalk and grey old-fashioned storefront. The storefront’s windows are occluded with red fabric. On the window to the left, grey vinyl reads: “Nothing About Us Without Us.” Underneath in smaller letters reads: recess. There is a wheelchair ramp coming out of the storefront’s door, across the sidewalk, and ending at the lip to the street. It is covered in yellow caution tape.

HOLDING SPACE ACROSS CRIP TIME: Leah Clements, Taraneh Fazeli and K MacBride

A conversation about architectures of care, expanding ideas of access adisabled ‘elders’.

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Rebekah Ubuntu speaks on creating and maintaining personal boundaries, taking control of their own narrative, hope and reclaiming QTBIPOC histories.

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Excavating the Social Layers of London

Excavating the Social Layers of London

Colin Prescod responds to Sumayya Vally’s extensive research into diasporic sites of meeting, organising and belonging across London.

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Emanuel Admassu responds to the 2021 Serpentine Pavilion.

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Serpentine Podcast

Bringing together the artists, writers and thinkers of our time to explore timely questions around technology, ecology and equality.

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Discover over 50 years of Serpentine

From the architectural Pavilion and digital commissions to the ideas Marathons and research-led initiatives, explore our past projects and exhibitions.

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