Serpentine South Gallery 21 May — 22 Jun 1997 Free

Scottish artist Anya Gallaccio planted seeds in the barren areas left by previous artists’ projects on the Serpentine Gallery lawn.

Following Richard Deacon’s installation for the Serpentine Gallery lawn, Anya Gallaccio planted seeds in the barren areas left by previous artists’ projects as part of the Inside Out program.

Gallaccio wrote: “Sowing seeds in these areas is a way of mending the lawn and retaining this very recent history. Equally, I hope to excavate an older history. The formal yet decorative style of the 17th-century parterres are recalled as the seeds grow and the bare patches are transformed into pattern and form.” She also noted that “the inclusion of root vegetables such as beetroot and turnip suggest that, as in the gallery renovation, the main focus of activity is out of sight and underground. The result is a process which allows the site to become whole again, a place of contemplation and endless activity.”


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