Becoming CLIMAVORE Menu at The Magazine

Initiated by Turner Prize 2021 nominated Cooking Sections, Daniel Fernández Pascual & Alon Schwabe, CLIMAVORE is a new form of eating that responds to human alterations of the planet’s climate while periods of polluted oceans, soil exhaustion, subsidence, and droughts become more prevalent. Cooking Sections’ relationship with The Magazine was born out of the Serpentine’s long-term interdisciplinary project Back to Earth where the term CLIMAVORE was coined.

Head Chef, Tomas Kolkus, has created a minimum-waste CLIMAVORE menu alongside the duo which highlights ingredients that have a positive effect on the planet; filter-feeders and regenerative coastal ingredients support marine ecology and proactively respond to the ecological challenges in the waters around the island, including foraged Cornish seaweeds and ocean greens.


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