Serpentine leads ARTS TECHNOLOGIES innovations with Artist Worlds 2023 and Future Art Ecosystems 3

This Autumn, Serpentine Arts Technologies and artist Gabriel Massan announce a collaboration leveraging the open-source blockchain Tezos on a new world building game project.

Serpentine Arts Technologies will also release the third edition of the annual strategic briefing Future Art Ecosystems uncovering new implications of emerging Web3 technologies for the construction of public cultural infrastructure.

The Serpentine Arts Technologies programme proposes critical and interdisciplinary perspectives on advanced technologies through artistic interventions, challenging and reshaping the role that technologies can play in culture and society. Produced by Serpentine Arts Technologies, Future Art Ecosystems (FAE) is an annual strategic briefing launched in 2020 that provides concepts, references, language, and arguments that can be integrated into operational agendas for the construction of 21st century cultural infrastructure: the systems required to produce, distribute, and financially support experimental artistic engagements with emerging and advanced technologies.

With Web3 elements built on Tezos, Third World’s Web3 strategy will expand the game’s reach into online player communities by building an active and ongoing archive of gameplay.


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