Lily Cole, Work Marathon Press Image
Lily Cole, Serpentine Work Marathon. Photograph © 2018 Plastiques Photography

On Work episode 2: Invisible Labour

Marina Otero, Director of Research at Het Nieuwe Instituut, chairs a conversation about labour in an interspecies and posthuman landscape. Participants include curator and researcher Amal Alhaag, posthuman ethics scholar Patricia MacCormack, artist and researcher Susan Schuppli and sound works by artist Noam Toran.

The 2018 Work Marathon saw artists, sociologists, anthropologists, writers, musicians, architects, scientists and philosophers address cultural, political, physical and environmental debates on the complex and timely question of work, labour, automation and leisure.

Building on the 2017’s GUEST, GHOST, HOST: MACHINE! Marathon, which focused on artificial consciousness and machine learning, the 2018 Work Marathon explores issues including: technological developments leading to automation and its impact on the labour market; the political urgencies of coerced and invisible labour; and the role of non-human agents, including artificial intelligence, animals and materials, in the context of planetary ecologies.

Hosts: Victoria Sin & Lucia Pietroiusti
Production: Jessie Lawson & Jack Howson for Reduced Listening
Sound Design: Dane Law
Mixing: Rob Winter

In collaboration with WORK, BODY, LEISURE (Dutch Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale / Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam)


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