2018 Architecture Family Pack: time in your hands

1 Jun — 1 Sep 2018

OOMK (One of My Kind) designed the 2018 Architecture Family Pack, time in your hands. The pack is an opportunity for families to reflect on and play with time in association with Frida Escobedo’s Pavilion.

The 2018 Serpentine Pavilion is designed by Mexican-based architect Frido Escobedo, the eighteenth to devise a temporary Pavilion on the Serpentine Gallery lawn in Kensington Gardens. Escobedo’s Pavilion was positioned so that it was possible to trace the line from alongside the structure to the Prime Meridian at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London.

The Prime Meridian is an invisible semi-circle that starts at Greenwich and runs vertically around the world. It is used to measure time. The Prime Meridian was established in 1884 through a vote by 25 countries. The countries wanted to create a standard time in order to control the movement of people and goods around the world. Before this date each town in the world would decide for themselves how long an hour or a day should be.

By positioning the Pavilion in parallel with the Prime Meridian, we are reminded about the relationships between different people and places in the world. Frida Escobedo’s Pavilion is a place to think about time – how we experience it, how we measure it and who controls it.

One of My Kind (OOMK) is a collaborative publishing practice led by Rose Nordin, Sofia Niazi and Heiba Lamara. Working together since 2014, they make, publish and distribute books and printed works.


Curated by:

Alex Thorp, Curator, Education

Jemma Egan, Assistant Curator, Education

Joanna Slusarczyk, Assistant Curator, Education


Design by:

Rose Nordin


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