Action of Street / Action of Room

Part of Youth Forum
12 Jan — 30 Mar 2016 Free


A collaboration between Febrik and students from Westminster Academy.

Throughout the winter of 2015, young people from Westminster Academy, artist collective Febrik (Mohamad Hafeda and Reem Charif) and the Serpentine Galleries Education Team worked together to investigate the use and regulation of public space on and around Church Street, North London.

The collective worked together for four months, producing a series of interventions in public space. These experimental actions and filmed sketches are documented in Action of Street / Action of Room. The publication charts the group’s critical investigations into public space using four frames:

Editing the Site
What is public space? Who is it for and where does it start?

Pushing the Limit
Can we physically test what is possible in public space?

Crossing Between
Can we change spatial and social hierarchies and arrangements?

Speculating on Change
Could fictional scenarios provoke relevant discussions about the future of Church Street?

Action of Street / Action of Room was launched alongside the Local Projects Shelf on 4th May 2016 at Church Street Library, London.

Download a copy of the publication below or request a free physical copy. Design by Marwan Kaabour.

Download a copy of the publication below or request a free physical copy

This project is part of the Serpentine Galleries Youth Forum, a work-experience programme where young people work with artists and curators to identify and discuss issues in the social realm and create platforms for change.

In winter 2015, the Serpentine Youth Forum were: Aaron, Abdi, Alex, Amal, Ben, Bruno, Hanaa, Jaber, Kevin, Mohamad, Nahid, Reem and Siana.


Curated by:

Alex Thorp, Curator, Education

Amal Khalaf, Curator, Civic

Ben Messih, Assistant Curator, Education


Publication design by:

Marwan Kaabour


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