dmstfctn: Godmode Epochs

Online Tuesday 18 April 2023, 7pm GMT Free Closed Captions


“We want to expose a complex system through game play.” – dmstfctn

Serpentine Arts Technologies invites you to participate in a live play-through and discussion of Godmode Epochs: a multiplayer, AI-training game by artist duo dmstfctn. Head to @SerpentineUK’s Twitch, Tuesday 18 April at 7pm GMT.

Godmode Epochs is a reciprocal training programme: players train an AI to understand our world, while the game trains players to understand AI. Set among the lined shelves of an infinite, simulated supermarket, players race against time to train an AI to identify products. Frustration on the part of the AI leads it, at times, to stop training and seek refuge in its memories – a separate game map where players can collaborate to discover cheats and use them to jailbreak limitations and speedrun the training.

Join Arts Technologies Curator, Eva Jäger, and dmstfctn as they play Godmode Epochs and explore other games, tools and research that have informed dmstfctn’s project. Make sure to create your own Twitch account to participate in the chat and get a link to play along in your browser – instructions can be found here.

Interested to learn more? Read Turret Theory by Creative AI Lab researcher Alasdair Milne to learn more about the supermarket simulations and collaborative configurations of dmstfctn’s game.

Godmode Epochs is also the continuation of the interactive performance GOD MODE (ep. 1), held at Serpentine in December 2022.


dmstfctn is a London-based artist duo working with audiovisual performance, games and video installation. Their work investigates complex systems, most recently focusing on the relationship between simulation and machine learning. dmstfctn has performed and exhibited work in venues such as Berghain, Serpentine, Design Museum, Onassis, Fotomuseum Winterthur, HKW, LUMA Arles and Aksioma, and at festivals such as transmediale, CTM, Unsound and Impakt.

Eva Jäger is Curator of Arts Technologies. She commissions artists working with advanced technologies and is a collaborator in teams designing novel approaches to, workflows for and philosophies of emerging tech. During her time at Serpentine, she has worked with artists Jenna Sutela, Hito Steyerl, Suzanne Treister, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Trust, 0rphan Drift, Kite, Keiken, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Libby Heaney, Gabriel Massan, and dmstfctn. Eva is also Co-Investigator of the Creative AI Lab (Serpentine R&D Platform and King’s College London).

Serpentine Arts Technologies collaborate with artists to generate new understandings and knowledge specific to advanced technologies that artists are interested in researching and interrogating. The team has two operational areas of focus: commissioning, and research and development. These manifest in artist-led projects and the R&D Platform.


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