Online 18–19 Oct 2014 Free

EXTINCT.LY is a digital platform created to host the work of artists, writers, speculative designers and programmers exploring the subject of extinction.

EXTINCT.LY brings an expansive theme into focus through a number of participatory features including the Case Studies Index, highlighting the ways in which existing organisations and networks are responding to problems such as water scarcity and bee colony collapse. The Extinction Dashboard features an iteration of The Ongoing Collapse, a work created by Tobias Revell that draws on data feeds relating to risks to stability on planet Earth. Extinction Sites – a feature of EXTINCT.LY’s mapping tool – disseminates images and information about geographical locations of historical importance that have witnessed the death or depletion of languages, natural resources or civilisations.

EXTINCT.LY includes work by Kari Altmann; Kev Bewersdorf; David Blandy; The Extinction Symbol; Benjamin Bratton; Folder (Marco Ferrari, Elisa Pasqual, Pietro Leoni, Delfino Sisto Legnani, Alessandro Mason); Keller Easterling; Femke Herregraven; Emily Jones; Maurizio Lazzarato; Lisa Ma; Alex Mackin Dolan; Timothy Morton; Julian Oliver; Tobias Revell; UBERMORGEN; Michael Wang; Liam Young and Anna Zett.

EXTINCT.LY supports remote participation, special commissions, research, livestream and data relating to the topic of extinction and is intended to unfold and expand over time; gathering increasing amounts of data concerning global resource depletion, conflict zones and climate change scenarios.

Designed on the principle that ongoing engagement, collective research and collaboration are required to face and understand an uncertain future, EXTINCT.LY aims to capture the energy of the two-day Extinction Marathon: Visions of The Future as a catalyst for sustained investigation into an inescapable and critical subject of importance to all life on earth. Over the following months, EXTINCT.LY will continue to grow into an expansive community resource, focused on the development of artist-led functionality, commissions and a combination of online and offline actions. Over time, visitors to the platform are encouraged to share information and relevant initiatives to be added to the site.

EXTINCT.LY is co-commissioned by Serpentine Galleries and The Space.


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