27 Sep 2021 6:00 pm Free BSL Interpreted Closed Captions

Join the Serpentine Arts Technologies team and our contributors to Future Art Ecosystems 2 as we discuss the metaverse and the opportunities and challenges facing artists, producers and cultural institutions within an increasingly virtual landscape.

What is the role of the artist within the metaverse? How can they tell stories within increasingly virtual platforms whilst still critiquing relatively new mediums like game engines – what is good virtual art? With new technology comes new production techniques, but also new audience and user expectations that present risks but also opportunities that need to be balanced and responded to within these new user experiences.

Join artists Larry Achiampong and David Blandy alongside Serpentine Galleries Head of Arts Technologies Kay Watson, as they discuss creative practice across art, film, poetry, performance and music, and how David and Larry have been merging storytelling within game worlds whilst still maintaining a critical art practice.

About David Blandy & Larry Achiampong

Larry Achiampong is a multimedia artist whose solo and collaborative projects employ imagery, aural and visual archives, live performance and sound to explore ideas of cross-cultural and post-digital identity. David Blandy is a multi-disciplinary practitioner reimagining our relationship to the world through performance, video, installation, roleplay and collaborative practices. Making links between geopolitics, the struggle of decolonisation, the ecological crisis and the self in an age of digital dematerialisation, Blandy takes a playful approach to lure viewers into structural and personal analysis.

27 September 18:00-19:00 BST on Serpentine Twitch: RSVP

About FAE2

The second issue of Future Art Ecosystems (FAE2) is produced by the Serpentine R&D Platform in collaboration with Rival Strategy and Guest Producer, Luke Caspar Pearson. It aims to provide analytical and conceptual tools and strategic guidance for the construction of 21st-century cultural infrastructure: systems that would support art and advanced technologies and be responsive to a broader social shift towards virtual experiences.

In the spirit of FAE, our Live Session conversations aim to draw attention and provide greater transparency to infrastructures and systems behind the work of artists and producers. They are also an opportunity to hear directly from FAE2’s contributors as it is their perspectives that form the basis for FAE’s primary research.


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