Ideas Through Art: Broadcast
Artist Harold Offeh led a workshop inspired by D.I.Y. television, exploring performance and filming as tools for teaching and learning.
Using images, animation, props, video and archival source material, teachers were invited to explore different forms of broadcasting from 1970s D.I.Y. TV to YouTube, and generate content by performing, filming, editing and transmitting.
We referenced artists who have worked in this medium, such as Andy Warhol, Valie Export and Kalup Linzy, as a starting point for generating projects. The session incorporated critical discussion and practical art activities in the studio, and included time and support for teachers to map out ways of applying the ideas back to the classroom.
Ideas through Art is a series of workshops exploring connections between classroom teaching and contemporary art. The programme aims to bring artists and teachers together to think about experimental, cross-curricula approaches to teaching art in schools.
‘I enjoyed discovering great practical ideas which I could take back to the classroom!’