Jeffery Camp: Paintings of Night and Day

Serpentine South Gallery 20 May — 11 Jun 1978 Free

An exhibition of paintings by Jeffery Camp, reflecting his interest in hang gliding and his exploration of the coastline both by day and night.

The majority of paintings on display in this exhibition were completed since Jeffery Camp’s retrospective at the South London Gallery in 1973. Since that show, Camp had become interested in hang gliding, a sport he watched on the cliffs around Eastbourne. Many of the paintings on display reflected the artist’s new enthusiasm for this sport, but as the title of the Serpentine exhibition suggests, involved an exploration of the coastline both by day and night.

Royal Academician Camp was born in Suffolk in 1923. In 2013, marking his 90th year, a solo exhibition was staged at the Jerwood Gallery in Hastings.




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