Lucas Samaras: Polaroid Photographs: 1969–1983

Serpentine South Gallery 6 Sep — 12 Oct 1986 Free

An exhibition of Polaroids by Lucas Samaras, representing an unflinching autobiographical adventure.

Samaras has described his work as “creative psychodrama”, and this quality was particularly evident in this exhibition of his Polaroids. Many of the images in the exhibition related to Samaras himself, and represented an autobiographical adventure that was unflinching and frequently discomforting.

One series, Sittings, was of other people photographed in his studio and therefore implicated in his own weird and wonderful universe.

The final works in the exhibition were Samaras’ Panoramas, in which a number of single images were cut into strips and reassembled in a strung-out form, resulting in works of monumental dimensions.


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