Park Nights: Mathilde Rosier's Play for a Stage of the Natural Theatre of Cruelty

Serpentine South Gallery 4 Sep 2009 Free

French artist Mathilde Rosier, known for work that intertwines voice, text and melody, restaged her performance previously shown at Silberkuppe, Berlin.

The performance unfolds in three acts and includes the projection of Rosier’s video work Le massacre des animaux, 2001, and a dialogue Reveries of two solitary walkers, 2008, written by Mareike Dittmer.

Park Nights 2009

Park Nights is an annual series of events staged every Friday night in the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion. The 2009 programme included music, theatre, performances, talks and film screenings. The season culminated in October with Poetry Marathon, the latest in the Gallery’s acclaimed series of Marathons, conceived by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Serpentine Gallery Co-Director.

All events were held in the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2009, designed by Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa of SANAA.


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