On a Plate

Serpentine South Gallery 3 Apr — 10 May 1987 Free

For On a Plate, more than 60 artists were invited to paint original designs on china plates.

The plates were then sold and the proceeds donated to War on Want.


David Austin, Glen Baxter, Adrian Berg, Simon Bill, Gilly Booth, Stephen Buckley, Sarah Campbell, Mark Carr, Marc Chaimowicz, Brian Chalkley, Maria Chevska, Maurice Cockerill, Susan Collier, Eileen Cooper, Stephen Cooper, Graham Crowley, Jeff Dennis, John Dougill, Emma Douglas, Edward Durdey, Stephen Farthing, Peter de Francia, Jonathan Froud, Tobin Goffe, Peter Gooding, Peter Griffin, Philippa Haines, Sally Hall, Debby Hamed, Paul Harbutt, Michael Heindorff, Clyde Hopkins, Albert Irwin, Vanessa Jackson, Richard Jebbitt, Neil Jeffries, Ken Kiff, Dave King, Jennifer Lees, Tim Long, Adam Lowe, Malcolm Miles, Lisa Milroy, Jack Milroy, Sally Musgrove, Paul Nelson, William Packer, Laurie Preece, William Pye, Sara Radstone, Paula Rego, Michael Rothenstein, Robert Russell, Dillwyn Smith, Angus Suttie, Peter Sylveire, Jim Tierney, Jake Tilson, Joe Tilson, Suzanne Treister, Liz Try, Sally Walmesley


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