1 May 2017 — 26 November 2019 Free

Over 18 months, artists Emma McGarry and Adam J B Walker worked with children labelled with special education needs and disabilities (SEND), their parents and staff from the Portman Early Childhood Centre in North Westminster.

The project centred on the following questions: Why and how are children labelled with SEND being failed by the education system? How might adopting a rights approach improve experiences for children? How can parents and carers come together with early years workers to create a network of support and solidarity?

On 26th November 2019 the Rights to… Forum brought together parents, carers, educators, activists, and artists to create a network of support and solidarity to resist disability discrimination in the education system.

Changing Play is an ongoing partnership with the Portman Early Childhood Centre in Westminster, which brings together artists, children, families and educators to critically reconsider early years education and care.


Curated by:

Alex Thorp, Curator, Education
Jemma Egan, Assistant Curator, Education


Publication design by:

In the shade of a tree


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