Summer Show 7 [1971]: Rodin, Matisse and Braque can be seen at the Tate

25 Sep — 17 Oct 1971 Free

Ann Gattward, Barry Herbert, and other artists presented work in the seventh edition of the Serpentine’s Summer Show for 1971 (also referred to at the time as ‘the seventh exhibition’).

The exhibition came with the title: Rodin, Matisse and Braque can be seen at the Tate: Michael Brick, Ann Gattward, Barry Herbert, Andrew Lanyon, John Murphy, George Percy can be seen at the Serpentine – for the time being.

On the Serpentine Gallery East Lawn was Ann Gattward’s recent Pink Lawn, made using whiting, red pigment and the lawn itself. This work was a follow-up to a blue wheatfield she created in Suffolk.

Inside the gallery, Barry Herbert presented his collages assembled from figures cut from silkscreen prints. His Tango series (Yellow Tango and Green Tango) derived from a drawing in a Paris fashion magazine of 1914, while the Crimean War series Sebastopol was based on a wet collodion taken in 1855 by Roger Fenton. Other works displayed in the exhibition included Michael Brick’s 3 – 2:3 – 1, George Percy’s Table II, and John Murphy’s La Vue.


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