Serpentine South Gallery 31 Jan 2015 Free

Beth Collar performed a new performance, Probably, Like a Melon Rolling off a Table: Part II, as part of Saturdays Live.

Performed with Alison Carter.

Saturdays Live explore ideas and practices connected to Serpentine Galleries exhibitions and projects through performances, interventions and participatory actions. Free, no booking required.

Beth Collar was born in Cambridge in 1984. Forthcoming projects include an artist book for David Roberts Art Foundation, London (2015); a solo exhibition at Friends Gallery, Glasgow (2015) and a touring group exhibition at Glasgow Woman’s Library (2015). Recent performances include Hayward Gallery, London; Field Broadcast (online); Modern Art Oxford; Flat Time House and Jerwood Space, both London. Recent exhibitions include Anatomy of Anxieties, Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong, 2014; SOME CHTHONIC SWAMP EXPERIENCE, a solo show at Tintype project space, London, 2014; Edition One, residency at Detroit, Bristol 2013/14; From script to reading to exhibition to performance to print, Rowing, London, 2013; Wendel! Open Your Door, Café Gallery, London, 2013; We Object, Aid and Abet, Cambridge, 2013, ANCIENT BRITAIN, solo presentation and residency at The Woodmill GP, London 2012; Whitechapel London Open, Whitechapel Gallery, 2012.


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