Tony Carter: Images of subject/object duality 1968–82

Serpentine South Gallery 15 Jan — 13 Feb 1983 Free

This show offered an opportunity to see a group of Tony Carter’s work made over the previous 14 years.

Works included The faithful one, A sword for Don Quixote – for blade history, A shroud for Van Gogh – seed, growth and bloom, and By bread only – for the demise of icons.

Carter (b.1943) was appointed Principal Lecturer and Course Leader in Sculpture at Camberwell School of Arts & Crafts just three years after his exhibition at the Serpentine. He was appointed Principal of City & Guilds of London Art School in 2000.

In a recent statement, he asserted: “Objects fascinate me, not because they stimulate the urge to possess, but because of their capacity to reflect aspects of our sensory and psychological condition. In part, we are both ‘what we see’ and ‘the way we see’.”

This exhibition at the Serpentine was also presented at the Musée de Toulon, France.





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