Digital Commission 2022: Hivemind

This year’s Digital Commission, Hivemind, transforms the labyrinth framework, first developed for R&D Labyrinths Series 1, into an artist-led game

Hivemind game launch on Serpentine Twitch, 29 March 2022 at 6pm BST

Drawing on the long and distributed histories of labyrinths as tools for storytelling, Serpentine Arts Technologies continues its R&D Labyrinths series by commissioning Berlin-based gaming and art collective Trust to create an open-source game titled Hivemind. Built as an open source, playable infrastructure, Hivemind is conceived as a knowledge game that allows for narrative-led walkthroughs of artist’s back-end working environments. The game prompts players to share insights into their artistic practices by sorting and placing key materials, or ‘inventory,’ that uploaded at the start of the game. This work launches on March 29th at 6pm BST on Serpentine’s Twitch. Tune in to see Trust live demo Hivemind.

Hivemind, courtesy of Trust, 2022 (Calum Bowden, research and design; Joanna Pope, research and design; Will Freudenheim, design and game development; Seamus Edson, 3D design).


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