Serpentine South Gallery 1 Oct — 1 Dec 1996 Free

This was the first commission installed on the Serpentine Gallery’s lawn as part of the Inside Out series during the gallery’s renovation in 1996/97.

To Whom It May Concern developed out of the earliest ideas Araeen had for making artwork after his arrival in London from Pakistan in 1964. At that time he was also employed as an engineering draughtsman, and clearly the construction of this work, like that of many other sculptures he has made, alludes to this professional background.

His largest work to that date, To Whom It May Concern consisted of a huge box-like structure made entirely of builders’ scaffolding. Over a thousand metre-cubed modules made up a solid mass of this material. When seen from a distance, the piece resembled a crystalline form, whilst closer inspection revealed a maze-like route through at ground level.

Visitors had the opportunity to enter the work and experience the powerful visual effects engendered by the combination of movement and perspective within such a large repetitive structure.


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