Saturday Talks: Yesomi Umolu on Barbara Chase-Riboud: Infinite Folds

Serpentine North Gallery Saturday 1 April 2023, 3pm Free

Yesomi Umolu, Director of Curatorial Affairs and Public Programmes, Serpentine, leads a tour of the Barbara Chase-Riboud: Infinite Folds exhibition.

BSL interpretation is available on request for all our Saturday Talks.

Barbara Chase-Riboud: Infinite Folds features a focussed selection of large-scale sculptures – alongside works on paper dating from the 1960s to the present day – by artist, novelist and poet Barbara Chase-Riboud (b. 1939, Philadelphia, USA, lives and works in Paris, France). The show marks the UK debut presentation of some never-before-seen pieces, as well as some of Chase-Riboud’s most celebrated works.


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