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Tarek Atoui and Lina Ghotmeh on Dawn Chorus

Tarek Atoui and Lina Ghotmeh on Dawn Chorus

Serpentine Pavilion 2023 architect Lina Ghotmeh and sound artist Tarek Atoui discuss spatiality, sensory listening, and the soundscape Atoui created for the Pavilion.

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In response to Serpentine Pavilion 2023, chef and food activist Kamal Mouzawak shares reflections and perspectives on how tables sit at the heart of home, work and family.

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Three More Songs for Our Black Chapel

Three More Songs for Our Black Chapel

Reflecting on their experience of Theaster Gates' Serpentine Pavilion, the members of RESOLVE Collective offer a series of sonic memories from communal spaces.

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A group of five women or girls, wearing black, singing in a purple-lit space. Most of them are wearing accessories that recall traditional African necklaces or headbands and sashes in colourful print.

Speaking to Support Structures: Nawi Collective

Support Structures fellows Nawi Collective consider how they foster care and connection through voicing, listening, and responding to one another's needs.

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On one half of the image, an oculus is a white circle of light against a dark background. On the other half of the image, black-stained planks with light diffusing from the top down

Black Weathersystems

Nikita Gale considers the cyclical nature of performance and memory in Theaster Gate’s Serpentine Pavilion 2022: Black Chapel through a series of annotated notes.

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A group of about ten people wearing winter clothing, in front of a colourful mural that says 'stop gentrification' and shows important events in community history through active groups of figures.

Speaking to Support Structures: Skin Deep

Members of Skin Deep – a cultural collective that makes space for creatives of colour to work towards racial justice – offer insight into how they develop shared practices.

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A group of people stand inside a public building holding the edges of a colourful silk parachute

Speaking to Support Structures: Jacob V Joyce

Artist, researcher and educator Jacob V Joyce considers the importance of working together towards liberatory new realities.

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Three people are experimenting with a golden light and a camera in a dark room

Speaking to Support Structures: Other Cinemas

Arwa Aburawa and Turab Shah introduce their practice through Other Cinemas, a project that focuses on the transformational power of film.

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A group of people are holding a golden parachute above their heads and smiling

Speaking to Support Structures: FerArts

FerArts, a collective of socially-engaged artists, share their approach to amplifying marginalised voices across the creative industries and society.

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From the architectural Pavilion and digital commissions to the ideas Marathons and research-led initiatives, explore our past projects and exhibitions.

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