Courtesy of Rachel Armstrong

Future Art Ecosystems Live

A series of online talks emerging from the launch of the Serpentine’s inaugural Future Art Ecosystems report.

The first issue of Future Art Ecosystems, produced by the Serpentine R&D Platform in collaboration with Rival Strategy, addresses technologies’ impact on the arts and focuses on the new infrastructures being built around artistic practices engaging with these advanced technologies.

In the spirit of FAE, these conversations aim to make visible the invisible infrastructures and systems behind artists’ work, as the report itself considers the future of art and technology from an infrastructural perspective.

FAE Live Talks

The Serpentine’s Chief Technology Officer Ben Vickers asks teamLab Co-Founder Takashi Kudo about the process of creating borderless artworks and growing a large scale art collective of over 600 people.



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The Serpentine’s Digital Curator Kay Watson speaks to Refik Anadol about his artistic experiments in artificial intelligence, architecture and data. Plus, Anadol gives a special tour of his LA studio.



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Benedict Singleton, Director of Design at Rival Strategy (co-producers of the FAE report) is joined by pioneering architect Rachel Armstrong for a discussion about Rachel’s experiments in living architecture and the infrastructures which underline and inform her work.


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