Aesthetics of New AI Interfaces—Panel Discussion

Creative AI Lab
Online 12 Feb 2021 6:30 pm Price: Free

Join us for a panel discussion on machine learning and its art-making interfaces with Christian Ulrik Andersen, Agnes Cameron and Rebecca Fiebrink, moderated by Creative AI Lab investigators Mercedes Bunz and Eva Jäger

British sign language and closed captioning available for this event

The second in the Creative AI Lab’s series, Aesthetics of New AI, this discussion addresses machine learning technology (a subset study of Artificial Intelligence) through its backend interfaces––what we think of as the internal tooling artists use to develop their work. We will ask: How are interfaces (like Rebecca Fiebrink’s Wekinator) allowing artists to interact with machine learning’s meaning-making?

Christian Ulrik Andersen is Associate Professor in Digital Design at Aarhus University and works with aesthetics, software, and interface criticism. He is co-author of The Metainterface, MIT Press 2018.

Mercedes Bunz is the Creative AI Lab’s Principal Investigator and Senior Lecturer in Digital Society at the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. Her research explores how digital technology transforms knowledge and power.

Agnes Cameron is a hardware and software developer, with an interest in complex systems and simulation. She is currently in residence at Somerset House Studios.

Rebecca Fiebrink is a Reader at the Creative Computing Institute at University of the Arts London. Her research develops new technologies to enable new forms of human expression, creativity, and embodied interaction. In 2009 she developed Wekinator, a free, open-source software for real-time, interactive machine learning.

Eva Jäger is the Creative AI Lab Co-Investigator and Associate Curator of Arts Technologies at Serpentine Galleries.


Creative AI Lab

The Creative AI Lab is a collaboration between Serpentine R&D Platform and the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London to produce knowledge for cultural institutions, artists, engineers and researchers on how to engage AI/ML as a media.



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